Saturday, December 6, 2014

Air Plant flying off

It is a stupid mistake but I have been doing it for the past one month without any incident....

I started my daily routine of watering my air plants and put them on the window sill to dry out by the normal air draft outside the house. The weather changed suddenly and very fast. A strong gust of wind had blown my air plants out of the containers and one of them dropped 11 storeys to the ground floor. I was shocked! Oh no...

I quickly changed my clothes and rushed down to the void deck (ground floor). I searched and searched... the wind was still very strong and I wonder where the air plant could be....

Just as I was going to give up, I saw it. It was lying on the concrete floor... Oh no.... it might have suffered internal injuries. I gently picked up the air plant and inspected it. At least 8 leaves had loosened and fell off when I gently pulled them. What have I done!

I'm going to nurture it back to health again. This is my favourite air plant. Now it has become smaller and weaker... It's a stupid mistake that I'm not going to make...

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